While living in Berkeley, California through the rainy season, I thought I'd go crazy going so many days without the sun...foggy, rainy weather day after day after day......
Bernice, thanks so much ! Abstracts are not everybody's cup of tea, so I'm delighted that you like them! All the paintings were done while living in Berkeley, most of them after i was out of graduate school. This pastel on paper I did when I Was still in school. I was working with a painter in the Visual Studies department. He saw this painting and really liked it. All these were done in the '90's in Berkeley before moving back to Boston in 1998
Bernice, thanks so much ! Abstracts are not everybody's cup of tea, so I'm delighted that you like them! All the paintings were done while living in Berkeley, most of them after i was out of graduate school. This pastel on paper I did when I Was still in school. I was working with a painter in the Visual Studies department. He saw this painting and really liked it. All these were done in the '90's in Berkeley before moving back to Boston in 1998